Ciara Callaghan is an artist and sculptor; her work examines belief systems rooted in folklore and the psychological phenomenon of magical thinking.

In her community facing practice Ciara faciliates the growth and playful exploration of community led programmes, encouraging experimentation, place making and belonging.

Ciara is an associate artist at MK Gallery and the Milton Keynes Art Centre. Her work has been exhibited at MK Gallery, The New Earth Art School and The Barbican Centre. She worked on the community engagement and final artworks for the Queens Platinum Jubilee Pageant and the UEFA Women’s Euro 2022. In 2023 Ciara was lead artist and Creative Director of Blecca-Lea, a public art commission and art gallery in Bletchley.

Ciara’s zine ‘Slow Grown-Plants, folklore and natural dyeing’ Is available to purchase at Common Threads Press.